Legal support during the negotiation process
The Contractor offers representation in the negotiation process, which means maximum consideration of the client's interests and ensuring the conclusion of the negotiation under the best possible conditions.
Negotiations are conducted between the parties and are aimed at resolving the disputed issue.
In the negotiation process, the parties choose a method and tactics that facilitate and ensure the maintenance of a healthy relationship between the parties. During the negotiation, it is important for the party to accurately define its own position and to protect its interests as much as possible, so that reaching an agreement does not pose a threat. For this, you need legal support, which will be provided by our professional lawyers.
We advise you to be practical and manage your risks wisely!

Head of the Legal Department
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contact information
- Tbilis, Shalva Gazapkhuli str 10a; Batumi, A. Pushkini str. 73
- +995555091100;+995577279798;+995322060818
- [email protected]