
Support in achieving a tax agreement

Support in achieving a tax agreement means protecting the client's interests and providing legal tax representation with the debt management department of the Revenue Service to reduce the tax debt and/or part of the tax debt, the amount of the fee and/or related fines and penalties (which is administered by the tax authority).

Support in achieving a tax agreement includes:

  • Assessment of a company’s solvency
  • Preparation of a suitable statement and its submission
  • Representation with tax authority to achieving a tax agreement.
  • To inform the client about the obligations assumed by the tax agreement.

Loialté’s competent team will reliably protect your interests to achieve a tax agreement.

Teona Kunchulia [email protected]

Associate partner - tax department

all services
contact information
  • Tbilis, Shalva Gazapkhuli str 10a; Batumi, A. Pushkini str. 73
  • +995555091100;+995577279798;+995322060818
  • [email protected]
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